International 2.4mR

The International 2.4 metre originated in Stockholm in 1986. It is a thoroughbred racer that has the complexity of a sophisticated keelboat with the fingertip feeling of a dinghy. Since the helmsperson sits down in the boat facing forward with all of the trim controls within arms reach, the sailing is not physically demanding and these attributes make the 2.4mR ideal for disabled sailors. 

Length: 4.35m Beam: 0.90m Weight: 260kg Sail area: 8 Sqm

2.4mR Sailing at Frensham

We join in the Club’s pursuit race on Saturday afternoons all year. On Sundays, in the summer we have 2 Fleet races, whilst in the winter we have 1 Fleet race and can join in the Handicap race . As well as a major league we have a personal handicap league running concurrently.  Wednesday evenings in the summer we join in the Club’s handicap race.                                                            

2.4mR Trial Runs

Sailability has three 2.4mRs which can be hired by members outside of Sailaibility sailng sessions. If you’d like to have a trial run to experience keelboat sailing and/or racing then this can be arranged by contacting the Class Captain.


Results for the current series are available in the 2.4mR results section. Previous results can be found in the Club Archive.

Class Captain: Bruce Hill


Class Associations

UK 2.4mR Class Association website

International 2.4mR Calss Asscoiation website