About Sailability and What We Have to Offer

Frensham Pond Sailability (‘Sailability’) offers first class facilities for people who require support to sail. It is based within the beautiful setting of Frensham Great Pond, near Farnham, in Surrey. Both the Sailing Club and Sailability take pride in the quality of the sailing, racing, training and safety programmes on offer for people of all ages and disabilities.

Frensham Pond Sailability is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee (Charity Reg. No 1142761). It is part of, and fully integrated into, Frensham Pond Sailing Club

Our sailors

We welcome novice or experienced sailors, aged from 10 onwards, with a very wide range of disabilities or longer term illnesses. Sailors can attend independently as well as, subject to agreement on resource requirement, through organisations that support disabled people

Our sailing objectives

Our sailors frequently comment that, when sailing, they are freed from their limitations and can compete on equal terms with any able-bodied sailor. We help you do this by providing a range of specially designed boats and the necessary support facilities. With the help of our experienced volunteers, you can learn to sail, or enjoy sailing again, and develop your skills as far as you wish – to international competition level if you want!

At Sailability we have more than 30 boats in our fleet. No previous experience of sailing is necessary. New sailors can go out with an experienced ‘buddy’ who will explain what sailing involves. However, our mission is to encourage independent sailing as much as possible. Frensham Pond provides a uniquely safe environment for this.

Frensham Pond Sailing Club has a National reputation for its dinghy racing achievements. Within Sailability we also strongly encourage competitive racing through regular coaching, race training, and participation in racing events within the UK and mainland Europe. In recent years, our sailors have won many honours at National and International level.

When we sail

We meet every Thursday and Saturday morning from the beginning of April through to the end of October.

In addition, on-water race training is provided on Thursday afternoons.

Our boats

There are three principal classes within our fleet of 32 boats:

More information on these can be found under the heading ‘Boats’

Site and Facilities Accessibility

Frensham Pond Sailability has RYA Sailability Accreditation Recognition for its shore based facilities.

The site and Clubhouse is fully accessible, together with good pathways and relatively easy access to the boats. In 2016, a £34k project significantly extended our capacity for hoisting sailors into and from boats where required.

Training and development opportunities

Sailing skills are taught by qualified and experienced volunteer sailing instructors, either informally using the RYA Sailability Certificate of Achievement Scheme or more formally as part of the RYA National Dinghy Certificate Scheme. Other training courses are regularly available, such as Safety Boat operation, Disability Awareness, and Emergency First Aid.

Frensham Pond Sailing Club is an RYA Recognised Training Establishment.

Social Activities

Sailability organises a number of social activities during the year, including start and end of season suppers and a mid-season BBQ. 

Volunteer Helpers

All of the above is made possible because of our superb team of more than 100 volunteer helpers, who are involved in all aspects of our activities, from administration, boat preparation and recovery, sailing training and the manning of the safety boats which have to be present at all times when sailors are on the water.

In June 2016, Frensham Pond Sailability was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service; the highest recognition for voluntary organisations.

More information can be found by clicking on the following links:

Sailor Membership Membership

Volunteer helpers Volunteers