What if I don't have a boat?

Don't worry, there are opportunites to crew for established helms in double-handed boats; or if you want to helm the Club has a number of boats you can hire as a member - RS Teras, Cadets, ILCAs, an RS 200 and a Lark.

The Club also has a large and active Sailability section which includes a Youth Group. If you are a youngster with a disability or you are unable to participate in mainstream sporting activities then the aim is to get you on the water. You can sail alone or with a buddy to guide you; and if you’d like to learn to race you can do that too.

When can I sail at Frensham Pond Sailing Club?

The Club runs race coaching sessions for all youth sailors on Saturday mornings all year around. There are specific groups for Cadets, RS Teras, RS Fevas and ILCAs. Coaching sessions are run by Class experts most of whom are qualified RYA Race Coach Level 2 coaches as well.

However, that's not all - the water is open for sailing at any time; Club racing takes place all weekend, all year round and on Wednesday evenings in the summer.

The Sailability Youth Group runs on Saturday mornings as well, from April to October inclusive. There are also opportunities to sail with Sailability on Thursdays.

Who can I contact for more information?

Cadet Class Captain: Dom Stanislaus

RS Tera Class Captain: Richard Gardner

Sailability Youth Group: Lisa Skirrow

RS200 Class Captain: Vacant

ILCA Youth Group: Richard Harding